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Principal Construction Manager

Matt Gehrtz

Before joining Gehrtz Construction Services in 2016, Matt led a successful career in Civil and Structural Engineering. Since joining the firm, Matt has worked on many projects throughout the region, including those for commercial, residential and community clients. Matt has a hunger for knowledge and enjoys learning about each project and creating an encouraging, lasting relationship with each client. Outside of work, Matt enjoys spending time with his family, golfing, outdoor activities and exploring new places on his travels.

What interested you in pursuing construction management as a career?

I grew up around construction and always knew that my career would follow that path in some way or another. My initial path led me towards civil and structural engineering but, after spending most of my time behind a desk with little to no variety in the work I was doing, I decided that pivoting to construction management was the right move.

What’s the best part of your job?

Starting a new project. I learn something new with each project that I complete, and putting that new knowledge to use as I begin new projects is very exciting and rewarding. Delivering a finished building to a client is also one of the best parts of my job. I love getting to see their face light up as they explore their new space.

What is your favorite type of project to work on? Why?

I really enjoy projects that are detailed thoroughly, well organized, and have a great group of experienced contractors that make the job run smoothly.